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Hiragana Quest

Learn the Japanese alphabet! For Apple iOS and Google Android

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1. Pronunciation

Listen to and imitate real Japanese speech to hone your accent.
Hiragana Quest app screenshot of learning the reading, romaji, and pronunciation of a character
2. Keywords

A special word chosen to remind us how to say a character out loud.
Hiragana Quest app screenshot of learning a keyword to create a mnemonic to remember how to read a character
3. Building Blocks

A set of simple shapes shared by many different characters.
Hiragana Quest app screenshot of a list of building blocks or primitive shapes that make up a character
4. Stories

We combine keyword and building blocks into a memorable story.
Hiragana Quest app screenshot of how we use a story or mnemonic to create an image in our heads of how a character is written and read
5. Drawing

Hirako guides you through the strokes that make up each character.
Hiragana Quest app screenshot showing how we learn to draw each stroke on the screen
6. Test Yourself!

Feel your progress as you earn experience and level up your skills!
Hiragana Quest app screenshot of testing how well you have learned each character
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